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Integration with Tendsign and E-avrop

If your organization uses Tendsign or E-call’s contract system, you can integrate them with Onventis Analytics to automatically upload the contract data. To establish a connection between the systems, you must go to the Contract page and open settings.


To create an integration with Tendsign, you need to contact their support and order a code you then enter under Enter Code. The integration is then completed.


To create an integration with E-avrop, you need to press Order Integration. Then you will receive a customer ID with a token number that you enter under Enter Information. The integration is then completed.


Contracts loaded from the external system will be tagged with the following icon:


Good to know:

  1. Updates every night once a day

  2. Contracts deleted in E-avrop or Tendsign will be deleted in Onventis Analytics. You can not delete contracts in Onventis Analytics that are automatically uploaded.

  3. Contracts that are edited in the external system will also be edited in Onventis Analytics.

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