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Create Claim

After the expense claim is checked, it can be approved by the employee.

In case none of the quick expense claims or quick travel expenses exceeded the maximum amount, no warning message will be provided and the expense claim is sent for approval to the next step.

In case one or more of the quick expenses reached the maximum amount or quantity, the ‘approve’ button will give the claimer a warning.

The message is:

Amount payable is limited on one or more lines.

You can request full payment by setting the status field and setting a remark.


This message will be displayed when hovering over the blinking ‘approve’ button AND when actually approving the expense claim.

From the expense claim itself it is visible which lines are meant, the lines have a small colored part in front;


When editing this travel line, an additional checkbox is displayed: “Request full payment’.

If the claimer wants to have the full amount paid, rather than the maximum amount the checkbox can be checked. This alone will not be sufficient, a remark will need to be entered in order to explain why the maximum amount was exceeded. Once the remark is added, the expense claim can be approved and send to the next step in the approval process.

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