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Importing contracts

Using the contract import feature, a large number of contracts, including their file attachments, can be imported into Onventis at once.

In order to be able to import contracts, ready-made contract templates are first required. It also requires permissions to create contracts.

In the contract list (menu item Contracts & Documents > Contract Management > Contracts) click on More and on Import Contracts.

The contract import wizard opens and guides you through the necessary steps.

Step 1

First, select the contract template for which you want to import contracts. Then click the Download button.

A zip file will be downloaded containing all the necessary files to prepare the import.

The zip file contains the following files and directories:

  • File data.csv
    The contract data must be entered in this file.

  • File system-do-not-delete.ini
    This file is of a purely technical nature and may not be modified.

  • Folder attachmentsAll file attachments that are to be attached to the contracts to be imported are to be stored in this folder.

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