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Catalog search by properties

You can now refine the search results displayed by narrowing down the search according to the desired properties.

The following properties are available for this purpose:


Price: in this section you can set the price limits, from – to.

Show core assortment only: if the article you are looking for belongs to the core assortment and this has been defined in the catal management, you can limit the search to the core assortment.

Catalogues: under Catalogues you can limit the search to a catalogue. To do this, activate the checkbox next to the desired catalog. If you limit the search to a specific catalog, the selected catalog is displayed in the upper search window and the search is performed only in this catalog.


Article category: under Article category you can limit the search to a certain article category. To do this, activate the checkbox next to the desired category. If you limit the search to a certain article category, the selected article category is displayed in the upper search window and the search is only carried out within this category.

Manufacturer: under Manufacturer you can narrow down the search to a specific manufacturer. To do this, activate the checkbox next to the desired manufacturer.

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