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New questions

If you want to insert a question below an existing structure element, click on the New icon. A new window will open and all the details of the question item can be stored there.

The title of the question, a description and the weighting type can now be stored here. The remaining weighting available is displayed in the Free remaining weighting field. The weighting already entered for other questions is taken into account.

In the Weighting field, you can specify a percentage weighting for this question. In total, the weightings of the structural elements of a level must add up to 100%. The residual weighting is used as a guide.

Key Performance Indicator: In the Supplier Management, Settings, Evaluation Settings area, the key performance indicators (KPI’s) can be defined and assigned to the questions. In the later evaluation, the evaluation scores follow key performance indicators.

A file of any format can be attached to the question in the Other section. This is visible to the supplier.

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