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Supplier selection according to material group

In auctions, it is possible to select suppliers by material group in the same way as in RFQs.

In the auction, you can use the Assign Supplier button on the Suppliers tab to select an already registered supplier from the supplier management whose status is released for auctions.

In the following window, a supplier list with two checkboxes is displayed.

The checkbox Show only suppliers matching the material group only appears if a material group has been specified in the basic auction data. The checkbox Only show suppliers that match the material group of at least one item is always displayed.

The material group of the suppliers is located in Supplier ManagementSuppliersMaterial Group tab and is checked there by the system.

Depending on the selection of the checkboxes, only suppliers that match the specified material group in the basic data or in the item of the auction are displayed.

If both checkboxes are set, the filter is combined from both criteria.

Via the button Use… the supplier can be added to the auction.

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