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Information on the approval process

As in the purchase order, you can track the approval process in the statement of work. If a service entry has not yet been approved, you can use the approval history to determine which user has already approved or not yet approved the service entry.

To view the approval status, open the required service record.

You can use the Track Status icon to see the current status of the statement of work.

Via the message history button, you can view all e-mails sent for the performance record and resend them if necessary. You can open the messages by clicking on the recipient company, the recipient or the name and see the sent text. To resend a message, activate the checkbox in the left column next to the message in question. Click the Send again button to send the e-mail again. The Back icon takes you back to the status overview of the evidence of achievement.

Object: under Object you can see the performance record number and the title.

Changes area

  • Created: under Created you can see when and by whom the performance record was created.

  • Last changed: under Last changed you can see when and by whom the performance record was last edited.

Approval workflow area

  • Step: in the column Step you see all approval steps, which have to be processed until the complete proof of services – approval.

  • Type: in the column Type you can see if in this step the performance record has to be approved or if it is an information. The Information type is only used to inform an approver; the approver does not have to approve the service record.

  • Approver: in the column Approver you see the name of the user who has to approve or has already approved the service record. In addition, you can see when the approver has received notification of the statement of work approval. Under Reaction on, you can see the date and time of an approval and which user approved the service record.

  • Substitute: in the column Substitute, you can see the substitute entered in Onventis, if this has been entered for the approver under User administration. The substitute can take over the performance record if the first approver cannot approve the performance record due to vacation or illness.

  • Status: In the Status column, you can see the current status of the respective approval step. The following statuses are possible:

    • Approved: the service record was approved in this step.

    • To approve: the user has not yet processed the service reminder approval for this step.

    • Rejected: the approver has rejected the performance record.

    • Not used: the approval step was not used. In this case, the criteria for this approval step were not met.

Area Course

In the History section you can see the entire approval history.

  • Title: in the Title column, you can see detailed information about the approval process.

  • Created by: in the Created by column, you can see who edited the associated approval process.

  • Company: in the Company column you can see the organization that processed the approval process.

  • Date: in the column Date you can see the time (date, time) when the approval process was processed.

You can close the approval history by clicking the Close button. You return to the service record.

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