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Customs tariff numbers

Under Master Data Management → Master Data → Customs Tariff Numbers, you can view and maintain the customs tariff numbers that apply to your organizational units.

Customs tariff numbers are eight-digit commodity codes. Customs tariff numbers are used to code goods in order to notify the authorities of the quantity of goods of a particular type that have been imported or exported.

The statistical goods number corresponds to the Combined Nomenclature, which is relevant as a customs tariff number for exports.

This number must be reported to customs for every export and import transaction; the goods are tariffed with it, i.e. grouped into the customs rates.

For export the customs tariff number is 8-digit and for import 11-digit (the 8-digit number is supplemented by another 3 digits).

For example, if a company purchases goods of the type “clothing”, there is a certain range of tariff numbers assigned to that type. This can be obtained from customs.

You have the option of importing the customs tariff numbers into Onventis or maintaining them manually. You can control a mass upload using the BC Job.

You can request the customs tariff numbers from German customs.

In order to guarantee the import, the supplier is usually responsible for indicating the correct customs tariff number.

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