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Toolbar in the requirements items

Save and close

With the Save and Close button you leave the requirement position and return to the overview.


The delete record icon deletes the requirement item. This operation cannot be undone, the record is permanently deleted.


With the notes icon you can create notes for this record or, if available, call up the notes.

Track status

The Track Status button allows you to see the current processing status for this requirement item. Via the change history button you can see the changes made, if any. The changes are always displayed in the form of a table with two columns: Old value and New value = change.


With the help of the navigation icons you can quickly navigate between the requirement items without having to switch to the overview list.

With the To first record icon you can call up the first requirement item from the requirement item list.

With the Previous record icon you can call up the previous requirement item, if available. Example: Requirement item no. 11 → Call previous requirement item no. 10.

With the Next record icon you can call up the next requirement item, if available. Example: Requirement item no. 11 → Call up next requirement item no. 12.

With the To last record icon you can call up the last requirement item from the requirement item list.


With the Use button you can transfer the requirement item to other documents.

Cancel requisition

You can use the Cancel requisition button to cancel the requisition.

Convert to free text item

The Convert to free text item button can be used to convert a catalog requirement item into a free text item.

Close demand

The Close Demand button closes the demand item and it can no longer be edited.


The Resume button can be used to resume a previously canceled or rejected demand item for processing.


With the Inherit button you can inherit the supplier entered in the requirement item to other requirement items.


The Send button allows you to resend a resumed demand item for approval.


With the Budget button you can view the given budget targets which have been violated.

Comment on approval/rejection: in this field you have to enter the reason for the cancellation/rejection of this position in case of a cancellation or rejection.

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