Basic data tab - Price request
Price request area
No.: the number of the price request, automatically generated by Onventis.
Title: in this field the title for the price request must be entered. You can either use the suggested title “Price request DD.MM.YYY 09:19:46” or enter your own title. This field is mandatory and must be entered.
Status: in the field Status you can see the current processing status of the price request. The following statuses are possible:
In capture: the request has not yet been sent to the supplier
Sent to suppliers: the request has been sent to suppliers and is waiting for a quote
Bids received: bids have been received from suppliers for the request. The item can be transferred to the shopping cart.
Term / quotation deadline: in this field you can enter the date by which you expect a quotation from the supplier. This field is mandatory and must be entered.
Customer data area
Company: the Company field contains the company name of your organization. This field is filled automatically from the company data and cannot be changed.
Contact details area
User: the User field contains the name of the user who created the price request. This field is automatically filled from the user data and cannot be changed.
E-mail: in the e-mail field you will find the e-mail address that is stored in the user data of the user who created the price request. This field is automatically filled from the user data and cannot be changed.
Phone: the Phone field contains the phone number that is stored in the user data of the user who created the price request. This field is automatically filled from the user data and cannot be changed.