Input language: Selection of the language in which the order unit is to be displayed in the system.
ImportNr: Assignment of an import number in the form of a string (in the example “piece”)
Unit: Enter the respective order unit
Description: in this field you can enter detailed information about the order unit.
Default for goods: here you can set the most used order unit, e.g. “piece”, as default for all items.
Standard for services: here you can define the most commonly used order unit, e.g. “h”, as the standard for all newly created service orders.
Standard for blanket orders: here you can define the most used order unit as standard for all newly created blanket orders.
Automatically created unit: with the help of this checkbox, order units that have not yet been defined, e.g. when importing catalogues or orders in OpenTRANS format, are automatically saved in TradeCore.
Visibility: with the visibility you can control in which modules of TradeCore the order unit is visible.