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Organization settings – Requests tab

In the tab Requests you can make general settings for the requests.

Settings area

  • Material group as mandatory field: by activating this option, the field Material group in the auctions and inquiries becomes a mandatory field and must be entered.

  • Do not preassign title of request: you can activate this option if you do not want to preassign the title of the request. If you do not activate this option, the title will be preset according to the following scheme: Request <current date + time>, e.g. Request 14.04.2016 10:30:31

  • Hide VAT field in quote: by activating this option, the applicable VAT will not be displayed in the quote.

  • Send email to supplier without attachments: by activating this option, no attachments will be sent to the supplier.


Attachments with a total size of > 10 MB will generally not be sent by e-mail.

  • Hide titles in emails of confidential requests: when creating requests, you can set the confidentiality levels. For the confidentiality levels “Request contents confidential” and “Request confidential”, the title of the request is not included in the e-mail.

  • Show title of request in request and quote PDF: with this option you activate the display of the title in the request and quote PDF.

  • Show field “Time”: by activating this option, the input field for the time will be shown for the offer period.

  • Offer validity as mandatory field: by activating this option, the entry of the offer validity becomes a mandatory field.

  • Hide input fields for delivery and payment terms in quotations: with this option you deactivate the input fields for delivery and payment terms in the queries.

  • All positions in price comparison “not activated” by default: by activating this option, the offer positions must be selected manually during a price comparison. In the standard system, all items are activated.

  • Hide “Purchasing success” area: by activating this option, the purchasing success area will not be displayed in the offers. For the presentation of the purchasing success, the reference and award price are compared with each other and the savings are displayed in absolute and percentage terms.

  • Net price in quotation overview includes internal additional costs from price comparison: when comparing quotations, you have the option of maintaining internal costs. By activating this option, these additional costs are included in a price comparison.

  • Unreleased requests can be resumed: by activating this option, a rejected request can be reset via the Reset button. The user can edit the request and request a new release. You can define multiple team members for a request who must approve the request before it is sent to the supplier.

  • Send attachments of a request also to not registered suppliers: with this option attachments of a request can also be sent to not yet registered suppliers. If this option is not activated, the attachments will only be sent to already registered suppliers.


When a request is published, a supplier who has not yet been created in Onventis receives an e-mail with a registration link and can then participate in the request.

  • Archiving of requests only after completion of the award: with this option a request can only be archived after completion of the award process. If this option is not activated, on the other hand, an inquiry can be archived at any time after it has been sent to the suppliers.

  • Award entry only possible after approval of the award proposal: if you use an award approval workflow in Onventis, this option allows the award to be entered only after approval. If the option is disabled, the award workflow process is skipped and the award of a request can be entered and completed immediately.

  • Hide external remarks in approval PDF: with this option the external remarks of a request are not displayed in an approval PDF.

  • Internal questions can be changed even after the call has been sent: You have the option of creating internal questions for calls. If this option is activated, they can also be changed after a request has been sent, without prior versioning. If you do not activate this option, a new query version must be created in order to change internal questions.

  • Send award and rejection emails to suppliers even if they have entered their own offers: by activating this option, the award and rejection emails will also be sent to suppliers whose offers the user has entered himself. If a supplier cannot submit quotes in Onventis, the user can enter the supplier’s quotes themselves. If you enter vendor quotations yourself, it makes sense to activate this option.

  • Show SAP settings: with this option the fields for the SAP assignment are displayed in the requests and are mandatory fields. This option is only useful in conjunction with SAP integration. The following mandatory selection fields are displayed:

    • In the basic data: Controlling area, company code, purchasing organization

    • in the positions: Plant and Warehouse.

  • Purchasing group as mandatory field: by activating this option, the purchasing group is a mandatory field in the requests and must be selected.

  • View bids only after deadline: by activating this option, suppliers’ bids can only be viewed after the bid deadline has passed. If you do not activate this option, the offers can be viewed by the user at any time.

  • Approval of offers by two persons: by activating this option, the offers of the suppliers must first be approved by two authorized persons before the offers can be viewed by other users.

  • Hide internal article number on position level: by activating this option, the internal article number is hidden in the inquiry positions and is therefore not visible for the supplier.

  • Request does not contain offers: by activating this option the tab offers in the requests will be hidden.

  • Budget/comparison price as reference offer in price comparison: by activating this option, a budget/comparison price manually maintained in the request item is displayed in the price comparison of offers.

  • Budget/comparison price read-only: by activating this option, the budget/comparison price is read-only and cannot be changed.

  • Partial award: by activating this option you have the possibility of a partial award, i.e. you can award the surcharges for individual positions to different suppliers. In the case of RFQs with multiple items, you can award the RFQ to vendor A for item 1 and vendor B for item 2, for example. If you do not activate this option, the award can only be made to one supplier at a time.

By activating partial award, you can always secure the best offers from your vendors for individual items.

  • Delete items in price comparison: by activating this option, the user can delete items from the price comparison.

  • Field “Show submission number”: by activating this option the submission number will be shown in the basic data of the inquiries and can be entered. The submission number is used to group purchase orders within the framework of load building.

  • Field “Show request type”: by activating this option the dropdown menu for the selection of the request type will be shown. When you transfer queries to SAP, the selection of the query type is a required field. When transferring the requests to SAP, you should activate the field.

  • Hide surcharges/deductions at item level: by activating this option, the surcharges and deductions at item level are hidden and cannot be maintained by the supplier. This means that users only see the pure item price without, for example, discounts, cash discount or alloy surcharge.

  • Allow editing the delivery date in the quote: this option allows the supplier to modify the requested delivery date when submitting the quote and enter an earlier or later delivery date.

  • Additional costs can be changed in the partial allocation: by activating this option, the entered internal additional costs can be changed in the partial allocation.

  • Send free text e-mails in one language regardless of the supplier’s language settings: by activating this option, requests with free text e-mails will always be sent in one language, despite the supplier’s language settings. For example, if you contact suppliers in France, they will still receive the e-mail in German, for example.

  • Update term start field retroactively: by activating this option, the time at which the request is sent to the supplier is stored in the term start field.

  • Do not send request as PDF document to suppliers: when sending requests and requests for information, registered and non-registered suppliers can select whether the request is also sent as a PDF document.

  • Define start of runtime in requests: by activating this option, the time at which the request should be automatically sent to the supplier can be defined. The following options are available:

    • Term start with future date – The request will be sent to suppliers in Onventis on this specific date. The status of the request changes from “In capture” to “Sent to supplier”.

    • Start of term with today’s date – The request is sent to the suppliers in Onventis in a timely manner and has the status “Sent to suppliers”.

    • Start of term without date entered – The request is created in Onventis for further processing and is given the status “In capture”. The “Send” action button can be used to send the request to the supplier.”

  • Item transfer from part templates:

    • Insert items without taking the existing structure into account

    • Insert items at the level of the last item or under the last force element.

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