Automatic scoring: calculation rules of the answer fields
With the help of criteria it can be defined with which score a certain answer should be evaluated automatically. If a supplier submits a response, the system checks which criteria are met. If more than one criterion is fulfilled, the drop-down list “Calculation rule question position” can be used to define how the score should be calculated.
Add up all achieved points = The points of all fulfilled criteria are added up.
Example: Field type “Selection / Checkboxes (multiple selection)”.
Response field “In what colors can you deliver?”
Criterion 1: = “Green” (1,25 points)
Criterion 2: = “Yellow” (1,25 points)
Criterion 3: = “Red” (1,25 points)
Criterion 4: = “Blue” (1,25 points)
Based on the supplier’s response, the software automatically determines the following points:
Supplier ticks the following checkboxes “Green”, “Yellow” and “Blue”.
+ 1,25 points (“Green”)
+ 1,25 points (“yellow”)
+ 1,25 points (“Blue”)
=3.75 points
Only lowest score counts = All criteria are checked. Of the criteria that are met, only the criterion that results in the lowest score is taken into account. The other criteria met are not taken into account.
Example: Field type “Number
Response field: “How many employees do you employ?”
Criterion 1: “< 10” (1 point)
Criterion 2: “< 100” (2 points)
Criterion 3: “< 500” (3 points)
Criterion 4: “>= 500” (5 points)
Based on the supplier’s response, the software automatically determines the following points:
Supplier answers: “93” Employees
All criteria are checked:
“< 10” –> criterion not met
“< 100” –> criterion met
“<500” –> criterion met
“>= 500” –> criterion not met
Criteria met
“<100” (2 points)
“<500 ” (3 points)
–> Minimum = 2 points
Only the highest score counts = all criteria are checked. Of the criteria that are fulfilled, only the criterion that results in the highest score is taken into account. The other criteria met are not taken into account.
Example: Field type “Number
Answer field: “What is the hourly rate (in euros) for a painter in your company?”
Criterion 1: “< 50” (5 point)
Criterion 2: “< 100” (3 points)
Criterion 3: “<150 ” (2 points)
Criterion 4: “>= 150” (1 point)
Based on the supplier’s response, the software automatically determines the following points:
Supplier answers: “59,50” Euro
All criteria are checked:
“< 50” (5 point) –> Criterion not met.
“< 100” (3 points) –> Criterion met.
“<150 ” (2 points) –> criterion met
“>= 150” (1 point) –> criterion not met
Criteria met
“<100 ” (3 points)
“<150” (2 points)
–>Maximum = 3 points