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In the archive all transactions which you are allowed to see are visible. Whenever you open the archive you will see the same filter screen as the filters in the worklist. You can use the filters to make a selection of which transactions you would like to see, for instance a supplier, transaction number, invoice/order date, ledger account, etc..

Viewing the role players in the archive is possible by clicking on the transaction, hiding the search screen part, switching to the information mode and subsequently press ‘Role player’. Here you will see all role players. The current role player is mentioned at the top in bold.


If you only want to see the current role player, you can place your mouse on the little user icon, without clicking, to see in which activity, since when and with which role players a transaction is at this moment.


You can click on the email address to send an email to this user.


There is difference in an icon with only 1 user or with multiple users.

From the archive it is visible if a transaction is blocked by another user (via a ‘lock’ icon).


By hovering over this ‘lock’ icon you can see who is blocking the transaction. Also is visible what the OCR status is. The ‘lock’ icon has priority over the icon for the OCR status.

In archive view it is possible to adjust the visible columns by using the column preferences. Please click for more information on changing your column preferences.

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