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Entry of the bid quantity by the supplier in Dutch auctions

The supplier can adjust the quantity he offers. The remaining quantity remains in the auction.

In order for the supplier to be able to use this function, the option: “Input of bid quantity by supplier” must be activated in the tab Basic data of a Dutch auction.

As soon as this option is activated, the column Bid quantity is displayed in the tab Bid overview.

There the supplier has the possibility to choose between a quantity 0 and the maximum quantity.

The price at the time of bidding is binding. The price of the remaining quantity increases according to the preset time interval.

If all partial quantities of an article are assigned, this is displayed as follows:

This item is no longer available for bidding. All other positions are still up for auction.

In the message history of the auction, a message appears to all participants as soon as the quantity of a position outstanding at the auction has changed.

The remaining quantity to be auctioned is displayed directly under the item description.

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