The next step in the approval process is the activity ‘Finance Check’. This is by default linked to the role ‘coding’.
If all amounts are equal to or less than the maximum amounts as set in the expense claim types, the approver can (after carefully checking the claim) approve the expense claim to the next step.
If a request for full payment is found, this is visible via the ‘approve’ button of the expense claim. The message will be displayed when hovering over the blinking ‘approve’ button AND when actually approving the expense claim.
The message is:
There are one or more costing or travel lines which have been limited by the company policy.
If the request for full payment can be awarded, don’t continue and update the line award full payment status before final approval.

When the approver wants to award the full payment, the approver can edit the expense claim, go to the corresponding line and check the box for ‘Award full payment” and approve the expense claim.