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Extended file upload

Allow users to select a file category for a particular question while designing questionnaires

Under the questionnaire service while designing a new questionnaire, the users can create a ‘Extended File Upload’ type question and select the desired category of file from the list of pre-defined categories. The ‘Extended File Upload’ allows users to select a category and request expiration date. The users can add description to these questions and allow suppliers to upload multiple files if required. Only the user can select the file category and it is not visible to the supplier while responding to the questionnaire.

The pre-defined category of files include: Certificate, Special certificate, General information, Process documentation, Risk documentation, Financial documentation, Product information, and Additional information.

Note: We have two types of certificates ‘Certificate’ and ‘Special certificate’. We have done this separation to build additional logic on ‘Special certificate’ which would be developed in the coming releases.

To avail this function, follow the below steps within the questionnaire tab:

  1. Create a new questionnaire.

  2. Fill the general information and proceed to ‘Editor’ tab.

  3. Add a new question and select the question type as ‘Extended File Upload’.

  4. A side panel automatically opens after selecting this question type.

  5. Under the ‘General’ section click on ‘Category’ dropdown.

  6. Select a category from a list of pre-defined categories.


Extended file upload in Questionnaire designer


Select category


Select from list of file categories

Add ‘File title’ to ‘Extended File Upload’ question in the questionnaire:

The questionnaire designer is able to add ‘File Title’ to ‘Extended File Upload’ question.

To avail this function, follow the below steps within the questionnaire tab:

  1. Create a new questionnaire.

  2. Fill the general information and proceed to ‘Editor’ tab.

  3. Add a new question and select the question type as ‘Extended File Upload’.

  4. A side panel automatically opens after selecting this question type.

  5. Enter the ‘File Title’.


Enter “File title”

Once the supplier responds to the questionnaire, the same file title is visible in the ‘Uploaded files’ tab. This tab is available in the supplier list and in qualification request response page. If no ‘File Title’ is added by the questionnaire designer, the title of the file uploaded by the supplier is displayed.


Supplier > Uploaded files including the file title

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