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Tab: Basic information

In the area Supplier Management → Supplier Self-Information you can create a new supplier information via the New button.

To edit information requests, click on the title of the corresponding information request in the information request list.

Please first enter a title, optionally an external comment, the corresponding material group and an information period. Furthermore, an external remark, visible for the supplier, as well as an internal remark, not visible for the supplier, can be stored and own files can be attached.

Contents of an information request (texts, positions, questions) can be saved as a template. The contents can be saved specifically for each material group. If content from templates is to be added to an information request, those that have been marked as “standard” or that match the material group are displayed.

You can define your own number range for information requests. You can set this under ConfigurationOrganizational Settings in the Organizational Settings – Number Ranges tab .

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