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Import master data

Under Configuration → Onventis Connector → Business Connector → BCJob Management you can import your master data.

In the overview, you can see all BC Jobs created for your account with the following columns:

  • Title: Title of the BCJob

  • Status: The status indicates the processing status of the BC job. The following statuses are possible:

    • In process: As soon as the import has been started, the BCJob has the status In process.

    • OK: The import was completed without any problems, and the data was imported into Onventis.

    • Warning: The import was completed with restrictions. This status occurs if, for example, columns in your import file that are not mandatory fields are missing. The missing data does not cause the BC job to terminate; the remaining data is imported without errors.

    • Error: The import could not be performed, e.g., due to missing columns which are mandatory fields. The BCJob was terminated, and no data was imported into Onventis.

The log files can be viewed by clicking on the respective status. Here you can also see how much data was imported or why imports were canceled.

Consult the following pages on how to import certain master data into the system:

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