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item transfer to purchase order

To transfer a requirements item to a purchase order, choose Transfer Items to….. the New Order(s) promotion.

Confirm your entries with the OK button.

You can cancel the process by clicking the Cancel button.

In the Transfer Details area, the requirement items can be bundled. To do this, activate the Bundle requirements option.


Using the Bundle requirements option, items are grouped together into new purchase orders according to vendor, regardless of the requester. In this case, they are stored as orderers, while the requisitioners continue to be assigned at item level.


After you have transferred the requirement item(s), the system displays a list of the purchase order(s).

If you click on the order number in the No. column, you switch directly to the order to which the requirement item was transferred.

You can go directly to the order overview via the To order list button.

You can send the order(s) directly to the supplier by clicking the Send order(s) button. The prerequisite for this is that all mandatory entries for purchase orders have already been maintained in the requirement item(s).

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