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Toolbar in the delivery note


With the Create new record icon you can create a new delivery note.

Click to copy

With the Copy record icon you can copy the delivery note. If desired, you can adjust the data.


With the notes icon you can create notes for this record or, if available, call up the notes.


With the resubmission icon you can set the delivery note to resubmission. Delivery notes in resubmission can be sent by a user on a specific date. On the date entered, the user receives an e-mail with a link to the resubmission.

Track status

With the Track Status button you can see the current status. With the close button you leave the track status view and return to the basic data.


With the print icon you can print the delivery note.

Label printing

With the label print button you can create labels for the positions.

New goods receipt

With the New Goods Receipt button you can create a goods receipt based on the delivery note.

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