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Approval of a performance record via direct link from an e-mail

Depending on the settings in the service acceptance workflow, you can approve or reject statements of work using a direct link, without having to enter logon data.

If the settings for the direct login are activated, you as the approver will receive an e-mail for the service record to be approved.

In the e-mail you can find the rough data for the performance record. In addition, you can access the following three links, from the email:

  • Approve theperformance record: by calling up this link, you can approve the performance record immediately, without having to enter the logon data. As soon as you have clicked on the link you will get the following information:

  • Reject proof of service: by calling up this link, you can immediately reject the proof of service without entering the logon data. As soon as you have clicked on the link you will get the following information:

  • To the performance record: by calling up this link, you will be taken directly to the performance record, after prior registration, and can approve or reject it in Onventis.

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