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Apply necessary access rights

To set up Single Sign-on for your Onvenits Buyer organization, you must first ensure that your user role has the necessary rights to configure it.

To do this, go to Master Data Management and select the menu item User roles. Open the role assigned to you and check whether the license role 1150SAML – Single Sign-On Connector is activated. If not, activate it and save the update of the user role.


Then perform a logout and log in again to ensure the user role change applies. In case the License role is not available at all, please call your sales contact.

After making sure that your user account has the necessary rights, navigate to Configuration -> Organizational Settings. Here you will find a new tab called “Single Sign-on”.

Please click the Add configuration button. Within the configuration form, you will find all the necessary parameters (SAML URLs) that are necessary for the configuration of the SAML provider on your site:


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