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Use of search criteria


  • Name: you can search on (a part of) the name

  • User name: you can search on (a part of) the user name

  • Email: you can search on (a part of) the email

  • Role: when entered, you can see all users linked to this particular role

  • Company: If one company is selected on the top left, this field is prefilled. Otherwise it is left empty. If filled, it will display users linked to this company.

  • Cost center: Only available when company is filled. Via the browser one can select a cost center within the selected company. Users linked to this cost center are displayed. Setting ‘useraccess’ is taken into account here, see “Appendix 1: security levels and access to transactions” for more information.

  • Type: By default pre-filled with ‘Full user’ & ‘Portal user’. By clicking on the cross, you can delete a selected value. By clicking in the field and selecting a value, additional values can be added.

  • Active: By default pre-filled with ‘active’. By clicking on the cross, you can delete a selected value. By clicking in the field and selecting a value, additional values can be added.

  • Function: When filled, you will see the users linked to this function.


  • Search: with this option you can search based on the entered criteria.

  • Clear: With this you will clear fields and return to the default values.

After clicking on the ‘settings’ icon, it is possible to determine which columns are visible.


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