Using the Invoice Worklist
Approve invoice
Click to forward an invoice to the next step in the process. Depending on your role in the process you may be required to enter your PIN code.
Reject invoice
Click if an invoice is incorrectly coded or has been sent to you in error. The invoice is returned to the previous step in the process. If you reject a process you must always enter a comment.
Forward invoice to a colleague
Click to involve a colleague for advice in the process. If you choose this option, you must enter a comment. After the colleague approves or disapproves the invoice it is returned to your worklist. Your worklist shows which invoices are currently under review by a colleague.
Click to refresh the worklist. If new items have been processed to your worklist since the last refresh, they will appear.
Click to select items to show in your work list
Approving an Invoice
Invoices can be approved separately or per batch.
Approving invoices separately
Select the invoice and click Approve.
Enter a comment if you want. The invoice resumes its normal route. If you act as a material expert or if you are rejecting an invoice, you should always enter a comment
To approve an invoice, you must enter your PIN code; then click Approve.
Approving invoices per batch/multi-select
Select all the invoices you want to approve by clicking the checkbox at the front of the worklist.
Click Approve. Note: any comment you enter is added to all of the selected invoices.
Rejecting an Invoice
Select the invoice.
Click Reject. If you reject an invoice, you must always enter a comment which refers to the motive of the rejection