Import from e-mail
When set up in your environment (see Basic implementation import e-mail ), you can make a direct connection to a mailbox. When you click the button “Import from email” the following screen is shown:

On the left, you will see all e-mails in the selected folder. On the right we will show the contents of the selected mail. Also you can see which attachments are linked to the mail. The following actions can be performed:
You can determine whether the text of the mail itself should be imported. Sometimes the body of the mail contains important information that you want to add to the invoice. The system will then make a “print” of the mail and add it.
You can select the attachments to be imported. By default all attachments are selected, but in case for example T&C were sent along with the mail and you don’t need them, you can deselect that attachment.
You can decide whether the attachments of a mail belong together (“One transaction for all attachments”) or that they are separate invoices (“Separate transaction for every attachment”). In the latter case, the supplier sent you one mail with multiple invoices. This does not happen very often, that’s why the default setting here is “one transaction”.
After changing something in the right side of the screen, you will see that on the left this email is selected automatically. You can then proceed with the rest of the mails. Please note that only 10 mails are shown per page, so there can be more pages.
In the bottom left you can select the company that the invoices should be linked to. Also you can select whether they should be sent to the OCR service or not.
Finally you can click the “Import” button. The system will import the e-mails in the background and move the mail to the archive folder that is set up. That way you know that only mails are shown in this screen that still have to be processed.
It’s also possible to import all mails in the same way. In that case, after the above screen is shown you can click “Import all”. Now you can set up how the mails will be processed:

The settings here are the same as in the main screen. When you are ready, click “Import” to process all e-mails.
Importing the e-mail will always be done in the background. You will see a message in the lower right part of the screen as soon as it is started and when it’s ready:

and then:

The screen can now be refreshed:

Click the refresh button and the imported mails are shown. Now you can continue processing them.