Organisation chart
Cost centers are the core of the approval; if at no other parameter approvers can be found, the system will always return to cost centers. A hierarchy is created from the present cost centers, also called the organisation chart. Depending on the chosen settings during implementation, you have one organisation chart per company, or one organisation chart or all companies. Especially when working (only) with cost centers, the chart is important. It determines which approver is used, when on the specific used cost center no approver can be found. An example of a chart:

For example an invoice is entered on cost center Sales, which has to be approved by user Marc Anthony. If the amount of the invoice is over 10.000, on this cost center level no other approver can be found. It will look at the parent cost center ‘GM’ if an approver is present. In this case Claire or Donald can be found. This way it is not needed to link Clair or Donald to all child cost centers and only one link to ‘GM’ is needed. Before using new cost center in invoice, they have to be linked in the organisation chart. New cost centers will appear first on the right side and can be dragged and dropped to the correct parent cost center. If this has not been done yet, and no specific mandate is linked to the new cost center used in an invoice, you will get an error claiming no role players could be found. If an invoice is coded with invoice line 1 on cost center ‘CON’ and line 2 on cost center ‘SALES’, the overall approver has to have rights to approve both of these invoice lines, this can be found on cost center ‘GM’, the mandate is found at the intersection point of both cost centers used in the invoice line.
In the organisation chart all not linked cost centers are displayed at the right side. Cost centers are filtered based on the selected companies (left upper corner), so make sure all companies are selected if you want to get insight in all not linked cost centers. Here it is also visible what the current status of a cost center is (dummy or blocked) and it is visible if the cost center has any child cost centers.
Via drag & drop cost centers can be linked to the chart. By dragging a cost center from the right part and drop them on the parent cost center, you can link them. To unlink a child cost center from the parent cost center, you use the button ‘unlink structure’. When you select a child cost center which also has child cost centers linked there is a button ‘unlink all’. With this you know only unlink the selected cost center from its parent, but also unlink all child cost center from this cost center. This is confirmed with a warning message when clicking on the ‘unlink all’ button.
If you select a mandate on the left side, you will see all relevant information of this mandate on the right side of the screen.
Via the button ‘show from cost center’ it is possible to select a specific cost center which you want to zoom in to.
When zoomed in on a specific cost center, this button has three options:
Show from cost center: You can jump to another cost center
Show from parent: You will jump to the parent of this cost center (one level up)
Show from root: You will jump back to the root cost center