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Registration form


In the area Supplier Management → Supplier Registration → Registration Form, the standard registration that the supplier has to go through can be individualized, i.e. own texts can be stored.

Via the Preview… button the changes can be checked. If the standard texts v stored in Onventis are to be taken over, this can be done via the Import standard texts button.

Vendor registration can also be enabled without material group selection. To do this, the registration settings must be changed accordingly. To do this, go to the Supplier Management → Supplier Registration → Registration Form section. In the field Setting you can specify if the supplier has to select at least one material group or if the tab “Material group” is hidden.

Making the ‘Phone’ field in the ‘Contact’ tab of the registration form configurable

Previously, the phone field was mandatory to be filled by the suppliers while registering themselves against the buyer’s Tradecore organization. However, with the current release the users would be able to configure the ‘Phone’ field as optional. Phone numbers are classified as ‘Personal’ data, and this feature allows our customers to collect minimum ‘Personal’ data, which is encouraged by the GDPR law.

By default, the checkbox is ticked, so that the existing system behavior is not changed. However, if the users unchecks it, the ‘Phone’ field would be optional for the suppliers to fill while registering.


Set phone number to being optional in the registration form

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