Columns in the scheduling agreement overview
In the column overview, you can change the view by clicking on the column header. The following columns are available in the scheduling agreement list:
No.: the delivery schedule number. By clicking on the number, you can sort the scheduling agreements in ascending or descending order according to the scheduling agreement number.
Article/item: the articles/items associated with the scheduling agreement. By clicking on the article/item you can group the scheduling agreements according to the article number.
Material group: the material group to which the article is assigned. When you click on the material group, you can group the scheduling agreements according to the material group.
Supplier: the supplier with whom the scheduling agreement was agreed. When you click on the supplier, you can group the scheduling agreements according to the supplier.
MRP controller: the number of the MRP controller group responsible for the material, which is responsible for material requirements planning. The MRP controller is only imported if it is sent from SAP during message transmission. When you click on the MRP controller, you can group the scheduling agreements according to the MRP controller group.
Purchasing group: the number of the purchasing group responsible for the material that is assigned to procure the material contained in the scheduling agreement. When you click on the purchasing group, you can group the scheduling agreements according to the purchasing group.
Valid from: the start of the term of a scheduling agreement. As of this date, the materials can be delivered. By clicking on the “Valid from” column, you can sort the scheduling agreements in ascending or descending order according to the start of the term.
Valid until: the end of the term of a scheduling agreement. Materials can be delivered up to this date. By clicking on the “Valid until” column, you can sort the scheduling agreements in ascending or descending order according to the end of the validity period.
Status: the current status of the scheduling agreement. By clicking on the status, you can sort the scheduling agreements according to their status. The following statuses are possible:
Open (new): a new scheduling agreement imported from SAP. The delivery schedule has not yet been confirmed by the supplier.
Open (changed): a scheduling agreement change exists.
Open (confirmed): the scheduling agreement has been confirmed by the vendor.
Order change to be released: the vendor has made a change to the scheduling agreement. The change must be released or rejected. When the change is released, it is transferred to SAP. In case of rejection, the scheduling agreement goes back to the vendor.
Order change rejected: the vendor has made a scheduling agreement change, the change was rejected by a user.
Archived: the scheduling agreement has been archived by a user and can no longer be edited.
Traffic light: Traffic light display depending on the status of the scheduling agreement.
Red light: the scheduling agreement has expired and/or has been archived by a user.
yellow traffic light: the supplier must confirm a new or changed scheduling agreement.
green traffic light: the scheduling agreement has been confirmed by the vendor, the end of the term has not yet been reached.
The columns Material group, MRP controller, Purchasing group, Valid from and Valid to can be selected or deselected by your Onventis administrator for each user. You can make the settings under Master Data Management → User Management → Users.