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Approve statement of work

To approve a service record, open the desired purchase order in the order list. You can access the performance record as follows:

  • via the It is a proof of service to be released or rejected. Link in the header area of the order

  • by switching to the Follow-on documents tab and clicking on the service record title

If you want to approve the service record, click the Approve button.

A dialog box appears for you to confirm your entries:

Confirm the approval process by clicking the OK button. If you want to cancel the process, click the Cancel button.

If you are the last approver for the statement of work, an email is sent to the vendor. In this case, the following information is displayed:

Proof of performance is confirmed

Service record is released

Proof of performance is sent

If further approvers need to approve the service record, the service record is sent to the next approver. In this case, the following information is displayed:

Approval request is sent to < User: Last name, Firstname >

Service record is released

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