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Show selected items of a Dutch auction on customer side

In Dutch auctions, the customer has the option of displaying selected items of the supplier in the auction.

In order for the supplier to be able to select individual items in the auction, the following setting should be activated for the customer:

Administration → Organization Settings → General tab, option: “Supplier can select items in the auction”.

In the customer view, a new Selected Items column appears in the Vendors tab. The items offered per vendor are displayed there.

By clicking on the blue text, the bid overview appears automatically, showing in detail which positions the supplier would like to offer.

The customer also receives an extended confirmation of participation from the supplier.

Supplier View:

Before the supplier can confirm participation, he is asked to indicate which positions he would like to offer.

To do this, he switches to the bid overview tab and selects the desired items. After that he can confirm the participation in the auction.

After that, the supplier only sees the articles he wants to offer in the bid overview tab. The Select position fields can no longer be changed. The numbering of the articles is maintained.

The supplier then has the option of offering both items immediately together or individually one after the other. It is up to the supplier to decide when he offers which position.

The customer sees in the Supplier tab that the supplier intends to offer both items. In the tab Bids the customer can see the actual status of the bids.

If the supplier wishes to offer further items in the course of the auction, he has the following options:

  • The customer can make this possible by means of a bid correction.

  • In the Bids tab, the customer selects the supplier who wants to offer additional items.

There he selects the tab Bid Overview and clicks on the button Correction.

The supplier can select again which positions he wants to offer, then he has to confirm the participation again.

If the Vendor Can Select Line Items in Auction function is active in the auction’s basic data, the supplier can cancel participation in the auction. He can then reselect the positions he wishes to offer and reconfirm his participation.

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