Onventis Invoice Processing 2024.3
Onventis Invoice Processing 2024.3
Release date Test: Saturday, June 1, 2024
Release date Production: Saturday, June 15, 2024
Approval Matrix | Approval Amount check of last approver
Previously, the last approver (via the approval matrix) could fully approve the transaction regardless of the invoice amount and the amount of the approvers’ mandate.
In this release an additional check has been added. If the amount of the transaction is higher than the amount of the mandate of the approver, the error message “Role players were not found for activity definition ‘*Activity name*’” will appear.
Document Dump| Available from worklist
The document dump functionality has been available for a longer period already. This feature enables users with the ‘document dumper’ role to export documents from the archive of transactions, while taking the chosen filters into account.
In this release we also enabled this export feature from the worklist of users with the role ‘document dumper’.
If you already have set up document dump configurations, the worklist export will be automatically added.
Interested in also implementing the document dump feature? For more information on the document dump feature, please contact your customer success manager or reach out to our customer service team.
Customer specific set-up for setting up the initial document dump is required!