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Area blanket purchase order Item category

In the blanket purchase order item category area, you can select the item category.


  • Item with invoicing plan: by activating this option, an invoicing plan is automatically created for the purchase order when it is transferred to your SAP system. The following additional fields are displayed in the purchase order item:

    • Interval: the Interval field is filled in automatically after the invoicing plan type has been selected.

    • Total number of activity units: the field Total number of activity units is filled in automatically after selecting the invoicing plan type. The number of activity units depends on the invoicing plan type and the interval.

    • Invoice plan type: Selection of the abbreviation for the desired invoice plan type.

The fields Interval and Total number of activity units result from the runtime and the selected invoicing plan type:
In the header data of the order, you select the term from 01.01.2017 – 01.03.2017.
For the invoicing plan type, choose the abbreviation for monthly billing.
Interval = Month
Total number of power units = 3

  • Limit position: by activating this position it will be marked as limit position. The additional field Limit value is displayed in the purchase order item.

    • Limit value: in this field you can enter the limit value at which the material or service is to be procured.

For blanket orders, it is not necessary to enter the account assignment data at the time of the order. Within Onventis, the account assignment data can be used, e.g. for order approvals by a cost center manager. If required, the transfer of account assignment data to your SAP system can be suppressed.

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