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Special Case: Supplier Account with Additional Users

As long as there exist other, previously created user accounts in the supplier account that have not yet been transferred to the Onventis Supplier Portal, a hint symbol appears in the customer list instead of the user icon.

In this case, the user assignment page cannot be accessed. Instead, these user accounts must first be reviewed and either merged with the portal or removed.

By clicking on the blue hint symbol, you reach a page on which you can remove (“Delete”) or reuse each previous user account.

To be able to continue to use the user account, you must connect it to the portal. Using the “Merge” option, you can decide whether you want to create a new portal user account for the previous account or link it to an existing portal user account.

  • If you have not yet created a portal user account for the user, select “Merge” (chain icon) and in the following dialog select the option “Create new Portal user account”.When creating a new user in the Onventis Supplier Portal, he will be automatically notified by e-mail and requested to set his personal password. If you configure the user as “Administrator”, he gets full access to your company account. Otherwise, the user will only have access to the assigned customer(s).

  • If an existing user account from the supplier account is no longer needed, you can delete it by clicking on the trash can icon.

As soon as all previous users have been either connected or deleted to the portal, you will be taken to the “Manage user assignments” page, where you can assign further portal users to your customer if desired (see the “Manage user assignments” section).

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