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Organization settings – Catalog tab

In the Catalog tab, you can make catalog-specific settings that apply across organizations.

Settings/Miscellaneous area

  • Show extended article numbers: with this option you have the possibility to show additional article numbers.

  • Show country of origin and customs tariff number: this setting displays the country of origin and the customs tariff number of the corresponding article in the catalog. This information then no longer needs to be maintained by users, if the information is necessary.

  • Hide supplier names in catalogs: by activating this setting, the supplier name will not be displayed in the catalog data.

  • Use condition areas (only for own conditions): within TradeCore you can maintain different conditions for your own catalogs and different areas, e.g. countries. This setting is useful, for example, for different currencies, tax rates or special surcharges that only apply to certain areas.

  • Do not block article favorites without conditions: with this option you can remove the block on invalid conditions for articles that are in a favorites list, e.g. condition validity expired. The article can still be ordered despite expired conditions.

  • Presetaccount assignment information in article favorites (preset has priority over other account assignment settings): with this option you have the possibility to preset the account assignment information for articles in the article favorites list. These take precedence over all other ice positions in TradeCore.

  • Presetshipping address in article favorites (preset has priority over user settings): with this option you have the possibility to preset the shipping address for articles in the article favorites list. These take precedence over all other ice positions in TradeCore.

  • Update ERP conditions during order approval: if you activate this option, the conditions from the ERP are compared with the conditions in TradeCore in the relevant order during an order approval and updated if necessary.

  • Update and display available quantity for item via web service: this option always displays the current available quantities for the item in the catalog. You can activate this option if your supplier has licensed the web service and makes it available to you.

  • Number of characters for item description (The value 0 means that all characters are displayed): with this setting you can define the maximum length for the item description. The characters which are not to be displayed are always counted, e.g. with an article description with 60 characters and the specification 0, the entire description with 60 characters would be displayed. On the other hand, if you enter 10, a total of 50 of characters will be displayed.

  • Send e-mail to condition owner X days before condition expires: catalogs are usually provided and administered by vendors. The catalog owner is also the condition owner. Within TradeCore, the conditions for catalogue articles have a certain validity, which must be stored in catalogue articles. With this setting, the catalog owner is sent information about the expiration of the conditions X days (e.g. 10) before the conditions expire by e-mail.

  • Perform mapping to material group for OCI transfer eClass: With this setting, you can perform mapping to the material group in your organizational unit for OCI catalogs. The E-Class key is a cross-industry product data standard for the classification and description of products and services. In the Condition release field, you can store one or more e-mail addresses of users who are to be informed when conditions have been updated.

  • Hide menu item “Catalogs”: if you activate this option, the menu item Catalogs will be hidden. The user can only access the catalogs from the documents: the shopping cart, the orders, via the catalog… button to access the catalogs.

  • Remember facet selection on new search: you can use facet selection to refine your search for items. This checkbox saves the user’s last facet selection. You can call up the facet selection via the central search, in the header area and the Catalogs selection.

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