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Order list overview - Order processing

Under Sales → Order Processing → Orders you can see an overview of all orders of a customer.

  • No.: the order number is displayed in the No. column.

  • Title: the Title column displays the order title and the number of items within the order.

  • Order number: the order number of the customer is displayed in the column Order number.

  • Customer: the Customer column displays the customer who sent the order and the corresponding organizational unit.

  • Order date: in the column Order date the date on which the order was sent by the customer is displayed.

  • Total: in the column Total the net – total value of the order is displayed.

  • Status: the current status of the order is displayed in the Status column.

  • Action: the Action column displays an overview of the next possible process steps for the order. The process steps depend on the order processing workflow. By clicking on the link, you can generate the next document directly from the order overview list.

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