Custom Dashboard
The Custom Dashboard is a section at the bottom of the home screen in which various task buttons can be placed. The commands that you can execute by means of these buttons are, for example, generating a report, importing a budget or executing a certain script. These are actions that you can perform immediately without having to navigate to a specific screen first.

The buttons are not limited to actions within the application, but also allow you to communicate with external websites or applications. This way you can initiate a Google search with a press of the button or even send a Skype/Slack message directly to any person from your list, all from one and the same application: Onventis.
It is also possible to use the buttons to simply show certain information, such as the sum of the number of active transactions in the entire environment or the price of a certain share or the value of a specific crypto-currency, to name a few. The possibilities are ample, so contact the Support department to request setting up one or more custom buttons.