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Article area - Edit requirement items

  • Service item: if this option is activated, the requirement item is a service item.

  • Test tool: if this checkbox is activated, the article is marked as a test tool.

  • Quantity/MU: the requirements quantity reported for the article in the unit of measure. Under unit of measure is defined a unit that can be ordered, example: 1 bag with 10 screws, only at least 1 bag with 10 screws can be ordered.

  • Articleno.: the article number.

  • Manufacturer No.: the article number of the manufacturer.

  • Manufacturer: the name of the manufacturer for the item.

  • EAN/GTIN: the global article number, this is usually printed on the goods packaging as a machine-readable barcode and can be decoded by barcode scanners.

  • Article: Name of the article.

  • Article description: further article information can be maintained in the article description.

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