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Texts tab / Text area

In the Texts tab, you can store your own texts for different areas in Onventis. The following fields are available for this purpose:

  • Login area: in this field you can enter a personal text for the login.

  • Contact area: in this field you can enter a personal text for the contact area.

  • Dashboard: in this field you can store a personal text, e.g. a welcome text, for your organization. You can use variables to address individual users personally. The data for the variables is read from the user administration. You can use the following variables to address users individually:

    • {UserSalutation} = Salutation of the logged in user

    • {UserFirstName} = First name of the logged in user

    • {UserLastName} = Last name of the logged in user

Example with use of variables:

Welcome to Onventis {UserSalutation} {UserFirstName} {UserLastName}

Output result in the dashboard:

Welcome to Onventis Mr. Max Mustermann

  • Consignment text for order PDF: if you process consignment orders via Onventis, you can enter a consignment text for the order PDF in this field. This text is only displayed in the PDF if the order has been marked as a consignment order.

  • Supplier: when sending the registration link to suppliers directly from Onventis, without copying it to an external email program, you can create a default text here. This serves as a template and is automatically drawn in the Text field of the supplier registration form.

  • User applications: if you use the user registration in Onventis, you can store a standard text in this field. This text is automatically inserted into the email when a registration link is sent to the user.

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