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Create new position

If an item is to be inserted below an existing structural element, click on the New button. A new window will open and you can enter all the details of the requested position.

Quantity scales:

If you want to include the quantity scales in the information request and define them yourself, you must activate the button Quantity scale.

Must-Have Position:

If this checkbox is set, the supplier cannot send the quotation if no quotation is stored for this position.

Position Type:

Here you can select whether the position should be a standard position, an alternative position or an optional position. The items are displayed accordingly in the overview.

Cost Type:

The cost type can be used to determine whether the requested item belongs to the fixed or variable costs. If this is stored, it can be taken into account in the later comparison in the break-even analysis.

Save and Close saves the changes. If several positions are to be entered consecutively, click on the Save and New button.

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