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Requirements approval in Onventis

In the requirements item list, you can use the filter and the selection of the status In approval to filter the display accordingly.

In addition, you can see the user name of the current approver for the requirement item in the Status column.

To approve or reject a requirements item in the requirements list, open the requirements item. To do this, click on the requirements item title.

In the toolbar, you can approve the requirement item by clicking the Approve button. You can also enter a comment in the Comment on approval / rejection field.

If you want to reject a requirements item, you must first enter a reason for rejection in the Comment on approval/rejection field. You can then reject the requirement item using the Reject button.

The requirements items can only be transferred to other documents after they have been fully approved.

You can add a rejected requirements item back to the requirements list using the Resume button. You can then send the requirement item to the approval process again using the Send button.

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