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Processing imported invoices

Once the imported invoices are shown, it’s possible to change what will be done with them. Think of merging documents, rotating pages and setting which document is the main document.


A few things can be seen here:

  • The last two invoices consist of just one document. The first invoice has two documents.

  • For this first invoice you can select which document is the “main document”. This document will be shown first, once the invoice is in the worklist or the archive. The other document will become the attachment.

  • For each of the three lines you can still change the company and if it should be sent to the OCR service.

Some corrections can be done there. To delete an attachment that you accidentally imported, right click it:


In case a document is not an attachment but a separate invoice, please choose “Create separate transaction”.

Merging to separate invoices to one can be done by selecting them both (with the checkbox in front) and then clicking the ‘Merge” button. Now they are merged to one invoice and you can select which document is the main document.

On the right side of the screen you will see the invoice image. Some things can be done here as well.


In case this document contains multiple invoices, for example because it is a scan of many paper invoices, you can split them.


You can do this using the space bar. The yellow lines are the places where the document will be split.

Once you have done this for all pages of the document, click the button “Split document”. Now this one invoice will be split into multiple.

In case your file consists of multiple invoices of the same number of pages, you can use the “Auto divide” button.


This will place a yellow divider after every X pages of the document. Then use the “Split document” button.

By using the buttons you can zoom out or zoom in.


The default zoom level will be ‘page wight’. When an user changes this, it will be remember and used when opening the document viewer again.



By using this button above the invoice image, you can rotate pages or the whole document.


By using this button above the invoice image, you can delete the page.

Once you are done processing the invoices, they will have to be started. This can be done by selecting the invoices in the list. You will see the “Start” button changing to green.


Once you click “Start”, the invoices will be processed in the background. The envelope button in the top right of the screen will show the progress:


If you are importing a lot of invoices, it may take a while before you see them all in your coding worklist. In case anything went wrong during processing (for example a corrupt PDF file was encountered) it will be shown in the above message.

If you have multiple companies in your environment, please note that you can only start invoices for one company at a time. When invoices were selected for multiple companies, the “Start” button will not be available.

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