1. Onventis 2023.4

Onventis 2023.4

The new Onventis 2023.4 release contains various enhancements, improvements, and bug fixes. Check out the full list below!

Beta-Release date: Friday, May 19, 2023

Release date: Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Please note: Due to customer requests we are now offering to print the release notes. Therefore a “print”-icon was placed to the end of the page.

Platform & Core

In this version of Onventis Buyer, we have made some improvements to the user-import feature to reduce the execution time. You will not notice any differences in the use of the import itself, but you will notice an optimization in the execution time the next time you run it.

With this release we also took action to avoid SPAM categorization for the emails send by Onventis Buyer.
We now ensure, that the actual sender and the reply address domain match. Both are set to noreply@onventis.com.
Furthermore, we took steps to ensure that the displayed sender name indicates, that the email originated from our application and not directly from a user’s email account. Therefore, we now add “[Onventis]” to the sender display name of all Onventis Buyer emails.

Supplier Management

Per evaluation, you now get in the new export version the following information:


A total overview of all suppliers and their evaluation results per evaluation, including:

  1. Number of the evaluation
  2. Title of the evaluation
  3. Description of the evaluation
  4. Status of the evaluation
  5. Coordinator of the evaluation
  6. Start date of the evaluation
  7. Commodity Group
  8. Organizational unit
  9. Supplier number
  10. Supplier name
  11. Per supplier total score in percent


General overview of all Suppliers. Per supplier you get the Points, Evaluation results, and Weighting on the level of Criteria Group, Criterion and Question- Plus the Total evaluation result for that survey iteration.

Supplier details

Per supplier, you get your own Excel tab, on which you can find now a detailed overview, of which evaluator rated the supplier on the level of Criteria Group, Criterion, and Question, including the total evaluation result per evaluator.


The questionnaire designer (create, design and maintain questionnaires for Supplier Qualification) and the questionnaire runner (used for answering questions on the Onventis Supplier Portal) are updated to the latest version (SurveyJS Framework).

The benefit for the user is that the interface behaves much faster and as a result, the creation and answering of questionnaires offers a much better user experience.

The legacy implementation which was in use before is deprecated now.

In order to fulfill legal requirements, Google fonts do no longer load from external sources outside the Onventis network. All fonts used in the Questionnaire runner (used for answering Qualification processes including questionnaires) are hosted on Onventis servers.

Users of the Onventis Supplier Portal, following a (deep) link to an open customer request on the Portal Dashboard, such as RFI, RFQ or Sales orders, were directly sent to the connected Supplier organization and the request page. In the case of the additional configuration of asking your supplier to accept the latest Terms of Use, this page was not shown.

With the changes in this release, users choosing the deep links will now be sent first to the Terms of Use page (in case it is configured on the customer side), before being able to access a request.


The footer in the Onventis Supplier Portal is removed. The removal is part of the new Onventis Sourcing Engine, which is currently in implementation.

In order to provide suppliers on the Onventis Supplier Portal with a perfect user experience, the Portal footer needs to be repositioned.

The following content was removed and you can find it either in the main navigation on the left-handed side or in the Header of the Onventis Supplier Portal (see Screenshot):

  • Onventis Legal notice (new link)
  • Onventis General Terms and Conditions
  • Onventis Privacy Statement for Suppliers
  • Onventis Network ID


Users of the Onventis Supplier Portal can now experience a uniform and consistent button design across the applications.

Several examples:


The new shop cart

We are currently working on a new user interface for our shop cart. Since the last release you are able to test the BETA version of the new shopping cart and provide feedback. Here you can read about the latest updates to the new shopping cart (BETA).

With a new  look & feel the new shop cart offers are a more intuitive usability with many more interesting features and improvements yet to come. Currently the new shop cart is in BETA status, hence some features that you might use may not be implemented yet. Therefore, you will be directed to the old shopping cart by default, that still offers all functionalities that you are used to.

Please be aware that the new and the old shopping cart have the same basis, every change you make in the new shopping cart will impact the old shopping cart and vice versa.

Shopping Cart – Default

With the next release (2023.5), the main shopping cart features will be available. Instead of setting the new shopping cart as the default with the next Release 2023.5, the new shopping cart will still only be accessible via the button “Try new shopping cart (BETA)” in the old shopping cart for now. 

From the release 2023.5 on we would like to ask you to intensively test the new shopping cart and provide feedback. Further, we will hold deep-dive sessions with selected customers. If you would like to take part into such a session, please get in touch with us. 

You can reach out to us via the feedback button in the new shopping cart or by sending an e-mail to:


Shopping Cart – Performance improvements

We implemented further performance improvements, in order to offer a more smoother user experience when working with the new shopping cart and filling information like supplier, cost allocation information or material groups. 

Shopping Cart – Pinned fields

We implemented a pin feature, that allows you to pin input fields. This allows you to pin desired fields to the “pinned section” panel, which is shown on top of the position as soon as you have one field pinned. With the pinned fields, users can fill the most important information more easily and quicker.

You can activate the pin mode, by clicking on the pin icon in the toolbar of the shopping cart position.

By clicking on the pin icon in the toolbar of the shopping cart position you activate the pin mode. When pin mode is activated, a pin icon is shown next to every input field. 

When you click on the pin icon of an input field e.g. the supplier the field moves into the “Pinned fields” panel on top of the position by default. If you have already moved this section to a different position on top, the last configured position will be considered for showing the pinned fields panel.

When you want to unpin your pinned field, you simply have to click on the unpin icon shown next to the pinned fields (in active pin mode). When you unpin a pinned field, this field moves back to its original place e.g. the supplier moves back to the “Supplier” panel. 

Please note, the “Pinned fields” panel is only visible if you have pinned at least one field to this section.

When you are done editing your pinned fields, you can deactivate the pin mode again by clicking on the pin icon in the toolbar of the position. Then all pin icons next to the input fields disappear again.

How to give feedback?

Feedback is the key to improvement.

You have feedback for the new shopping cart that you would like to share with us? We appreciate your feedback on the beta version of the new shopping cart. You can share you thoughts about the new shopping cart (BETA) by clicking on the “Feedback” button on the right hand side of the shopping cart. When you do so, a modal opens where you can tell us what you like or dislike about the new shop cart, the reasons for your decisions and other valuable information.

Additionally you can share your thoughts here, by filling the form below.

All data is collected anonymously unless you choose to provide your email address in question 3 of the feedback form.

We are looking forward to your feedback!

Organisational unit specific transaction template

We added an information icon next to the input language of the transaction templates to explain, that the first configured language will be the fallback language in case no transaction template is maintained in the supplier’s language

Project in Order Position List

We fixed a bug where in specific scenarios the wrong accounting project was shown in the shopping cart position and the purchase order position table. That case only occured, when cost allocation objects were linked to a specific company code

Extension of information in the Order Change Notification E-Mail 

We extended the content of the “Order Change Document sent by Customer Mail” with the information about the attached documents in the order change. The mail is sent to the supplier in case a order change was entered by the customer.

Extended use of UNSPSC for Oci Inbound

We have extended the mapping options for the OCI inbound with regard to the UNSPSC so that they now also work with the SAP fields limited to 20 characters. Should you wish to set this up, please contact your contact person at our company.

Supplier Import ZCREMAS05

We extended the Supplier Import from SAP so that in future the imported REGIO of the address-segment (E1LFA1M) is considered when suppliers are imported from SAP (VIA ZCREMAS05).

Service Note Approval & Order Change Transfer (PO.Change)

We fixed a bug that occured when a new position was added to a service note, which had to be transferred to the PO after service note approval. In case of an active SAP interface to export the order change (PO.Change), specific cost allocation object information were not transferred, which leads to a bug so that the service note couldn’t be approved.

Extension of order change opentrans interface

In the export of order changes via openTRANS-format the type of change can be added. Depending on the sent value, the receiving ERP-system has more information if the position has been changed, added or cancelled in Onventis.