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  3. Onventis Invoice Processing
  4. Quick Reference Guide

Quick Reference Guide

What is Onventis Workflows? 

Onventis Workflows is a web-based workflow application running on the Onventis platform. It provides an electronic method of approving invoices, purchase orders and contracts. 

Logging In to Onventis Workflows  

  • Open your internet browser and type
    web-tenant.workflowwise.net to launch the login dialog. Enter your username and password. If you have a link to your internal network login, fill in your email address and click the button Microsoft. 
  • A screen with process tiles that indicates which and how many transactions you have in your worklist appears. Click on worklist of the Supplier invoices process.

Using the Invoice Worklist

Approve invoice  

Click to forward an invoice to the next step in the process. Depending on your role in the process you may be required to enter your PIN code.  

Reject invoice  

Click if an invoice is incorrectly coded or has been sent to you in error. The invoice is returned to the previous step in the process. If you reject a process you must always enter a comment.  

Forward invoice to a colleague  

Click to involve a colleague for advice in the process. If you choose this option, you must enter a comment. After the colleague approves or disapproves the invoice it is returned to your worklist. Your worklist shows which invoices are currently under review by a colleague. 


Click to refresh the worklist. If new items have been processed to your worklist since the last refresh, they will appear.


Click to select items to show in your work list 

Approving an Invoice

Invoices can be approved separately or per batch.

Approving invoices separately

  1. Select the invoice and click Approve.
  2. Enter a comment if you want. The invoice resumes its normal route. If you act as a material expert or if you are rejecting an invoice, you should always enter a comment
  3. To approve an invoice, you must enter your PIN code; then click Approve.

Approving invoices per batch/multi-select

  1. Select all the invoices you want to approve by clicking the checkbox at the front of the worklist.
  2. Click Approve. Note: any comment you enter is added to all of the selected invoices.

Rejecting an Invoice

  1. Select the invoice.
  2. Click Reject. If you reject an invoice, you must always enter a comment which refers to the motive of the rejection

Using other information

The following buttons are available: 


Change the fields that are shown in your list. 

Export to excel 

Export visible items to excel. 


Click to view the process history to date, including associated users, dates, times, and actions performed. 

Role player 

Click to see the possible activities and linked users. The line in bold is the current activity and current user(s). 


Change the value of fields (if allowed). 


Create a report (if available) with the details of the selected process . 

Reset roleplayers 

Click to determine who should be the roleplayers for this process. 

Close work list expander 

Click to close the expander for your work list


Open work list expander 

Click to open the expander for your work list 

Show comments 

Click to show comments for this invoice  

Using the Invoice Archive

All invoices entered with Onventis Workflows (for your relevant budget/cost center) are accessible using Archive > Purchase invoice. You can search by a number of fields, based on transaction data or process data


When you are ill or on holiday, it’s possible to let a colleague take over your work list.  

Click on your name in the upper right corner and select Delegate. In the field Delegate to you can select your colleague. It’s also possible to add a start and end date for the delegation. 

If you have received a delegation, you can activate it by clicking your name in the upper right corner and then your colleague’s name. To go back to your own worklist, click your colleague’s name and then Stop delegation. 

Mobile app  

For Android and iOS an app is available. Search the Play Store/App Store for Onventis Workflows. You can find setup instructions in the user manual that can be found in the green Help ENG button on the home screen of the website.  

It’s also possible to open the regular Onventis Workflows website on your mobile device.