BcJob settings for BMEcat import
In a “BcJob” there are several possibilities to import data. For example, to import a catalog according to the BMEcat standard, the following settings must be selected:
BcJob Controller
BcJob adapter
BcJob Converter & BcJob Port
These are described in more detail in the following paragraphs.
BcJob Controller
This is where you determine whether it is an import or export. Import Controller” must be selected here.
BcJob Adapter
Here you define what is to be imported. To import a catalog in BMEcat format, “BMECat Adapter” must be selected.
BcJob Converter & Port
Here the user determines which data type is involved and where the data comes from. Since these are imported directly from the FTP server during the BMEcat import and the data may only have a certain format, the selection cannot be changed here. Therefore, “zero converter” and “zero port” are stored here.
Afterwards, the settings for the BcJob job must look like this:
Use the “create” button to create a “BcJob Job”.