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Supplier Portal registration in simple steps

Invitation email

Please follow the link Create Account in that email:

TC - Email template - Customer connection request in Portal Style.png

Connect with your customer page

If you need to create a new account to the Onventis Supplier Portal choose the button “Start registration”:

Supplier Portal - Connect with your customer page - Start registration.png

If you already have a Supplier account Go to Login page- You will be redirected to the login screen of the Supplier Portal and after successful login, you can add the customer to your customer list:

Supplier Portal - Connect with your customer page - Go to login page.png

If you are not sure, if there is already an account for your company registered Check the supplier account in the Onventis Network Search:

Supplier Portal - Connect with your customer page - Check Supplier Network.png

Account registration page

When starting a new registration, you will be automatically identified and forwarded to the Account registration page:

Supplier Portal - Register page (FR).png

Company details

The fields are prefilled with the data of your existing Onventis supplier account. If necessary, these must be corrected.


The VAT ID is validated against EU countries. There is a tooltip showing the validation rule per country.

Supplier Portal - Register page - VAT Tooltip.png

If a company does not have a VAT ID, the registration can also be carried out without this information. For this purpose, the corresponding checkmark must be set.

VAT duplicates check + user request to join an existing Portal organization

If a company with the same VAT ID is already registered on the Onventis Supplier Portal, a dialog shows up. The user can contact the administrators via message. All admins of the existing Supplier Portal organization are informed. Next to that message, the user can send a User Request. In both cases, the Supplier Portal admins receive a notification via email. In the Supplier Portal User Management they can accept or reject a User request:

Supplier Portal - Duplicate VAT ID and User Request - Dialog box.png

Personal details

To create a new central user account in the Onventis Supplier Portal, you must enter your personal data. Subsequently, you use this account to register your business. Once the registration process is complete, you can easily add more users to your company account and assign individual access rights to your colleagues.

The following data can be specified:

  • Name and surname

  • Your company e-mail address will also be your user name for the Onventis Supplier Portal. A validation email will then be sent to this address.

You must also accept:

  • the General Terms and Conditions of Onventis

  • the Onventis Supplier Portal Privacy Policy.

To create your user account and continue with the registration, click on “Submit”.

Supplier Portal - Registration Page Success Message.png

Verify user email

After completing the previous step, the system sends you an email to prevent misuse. Please check your email account, including the spam folder if applicable, for an email from Onventis and click on the included link “Link to account update”. This will validate your email address and allow you to proceed with the registration process.

Supplier Portal - Verify User Email.png

Set initial password

Set initial password for Portal user.png

User authentication on the Supplier Portal

You will be asked to authenticate yourself with the previously validated e-mail address and the password set:

Login the first time with new user after setting password.png

After completion of the registration, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail (first steps).

Supplier Portal Dashboard with customer connection

You are now officially part of the Onventis Network. In the next steps, you can create more users in your company and give them access to the Supplier Portal. You can link the supplier accounts of other existing customers using customer administration and assign them to your employees. In addition, you can now start maintaining your Supplier Profile and enrich it with interesting information about your company.

Supplier Portal - Logged in first time and customer is connected.png


Please make sure that only one company account is created for your company at the Onventis Supplier Portal. If you are unsure whether your company already has an account, please contact us.

Legally independent companies within a group structure require separate company accounts.

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