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Templates for automated qualifications

This menu option allows you to configure a template that is used for each new qualification request that will be sent according to the rulebook automation rules. A fully configured template is necessary if you want to use the new automated way of qualifying suppliers. When you want to start configuring the template you can press the Template button.


Go to Templates

A basic set of data is requested which is used by default for each automatically generated qualification request. All customers already familiar with the existing qualification processes will be familiar with these sets of data.

General information

General information currently contains 3 elements:

Base Information à Language selection, Title, Description and Welcome text for the supplier. You can create this information for multiple languages by using the button “Add further languages”.

Scope à For now it’s only possible to create a template for Organization level. We will extent the scope of using Organizational unit within future releases

Response Time and Reminders à Configure the response time in days and within how many days a reminder will be send. You can also add up to 5 reminders via the button “Add further reminders”.

When you are finished you can press the button “Next step: Master Data” to continue the template configuration.


Template - General information

Master Data

It is possible for each qualification request to allow the supplier to verify and update its master data. If this is desired, you can turn it on by using the toggle.


Template - Master data

When enabled it looks like this. You can additionally set if certain identifying attributes (DUNS Number, VAT-ID) are mandatory for the supplier to provide in the response.


Template - Enable master data update

When you are finished you can press the button “Next step: Document acceptance” to continue the template configuration.

Document acceptance

It is possible for each qualification request to ask the supplier to accept important document(s). If this is desired, you can turn it on by using the toggle.


Template - Document acceptance

When enabled it looks like this. You can select, which document the supplier should accept or reject, from your already available documents sets in the Onventis software.


Template - Document acceptance

When you are finished you can press the button “Next step: Questionnaires” to continue the template configuration.


In order for the auto-assessment to work, it is required to select one generic questionnaire that is not specified to serve the qualification of a specific material group. This questionnaire will be sent to all suppliers where the supplier status is assigned that is defined for the Auto-start rule.

Important note is that the selected questionnaire cannot be used in any scope rule in the rulebook.


Template - Questionnaire

When you are finished you can press the button “Save template”.

Now the template if fully configured and can be used. You can make changes in the template whenever you want and will be applied for all newly created and sent qualification requests after saving the new template configuration.

Activation functionality

In order to use this new functionality, you must have the appropriate license. If this is not the case or if you have any questions, please reach out to your Onventis contact person.

If you already have the appropriate license, the functionality will be activated automatically after you have fully configured and saved both the rulebook and template.

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