How can I send an assessment request and retrieve an EcoVadis Scorecard?
Onventis generates a unique integration ID for each supplier and displays it at the supplier. This integration ID is used to link suppliers in EcoVadis with the supplier master in Onventis. This link can be done manually (copy & paste) or by creating an assessment request for each supplier. This can be done in four steps using the related wizard.
More information about the EcoVadis assessment process can be found here: interface to EcoVadis is updated once a day. If you have made changes to the supplier master, e.g. by linking suppliers using the Integration ID or by sending an assessment request, you will receive the update on the following day. For each Integration ID, data such as EcoVadis scores, EcoVadis scorecard link, expiration date, status, etc. is retrieved.
If an EcoVadis scorecard is available for a supplier, the visualization looks as follows: