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The bot user can take over entering and matching an invoice.

The bot user used the data of OCR or, even better, the digital invoices from InvoiceSharing. Based on available data, the bot looks for matches in receipts or orders, or uses transaction defaults to enter the lines.

The bot checks the invoice for differences. If a deviation is found, the bot user will forward the transaction to the worklist of the responsible user to deal with the transaction. If no mismatch can be found, the bot can process the invoice without further interaction.

The bot is separate user in the license. All invoices are first send to the bot’s worklist and what happens after is depending on how it is implemented. If an order is found and no mismatches are seen, the invoice does not have to be additionally approved. It is still possible to send such invoices to your coders to check and edit.

To be able to use this bot user, please let your application manager contact the service desk team.

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